Reflexology is a complementary holistic therapy operating on the principle that the different organs and systems of the body are mapped onto the feet or hands. By applying pressure or massaging each of these areas (known as reflex points) reflexologists aim to create a state of balance and harmony, facilitating the body’s natural healing processes.
Each treatment will be both guided by intuition and tailored to any specific issues that may be impacting you that day. I use beautiful Songbird eco-friendly waxes, incorporating various massage techniques along with energy work.
45 mins - £45
30 mins - £32
Hand reflexology, works on the same theory as foot reflexology, the points of the body are mapped out on the hands. Again, I will use various massage techniques, using gorgeous Neal’s Yard hand cream. Hand reflexology is a great option if you want to experience the benefits of reflexology but do not like your feet being touched, or if you have a foot injury. A hand reflexology treatment is also a lovely addition to a foot reflexology session and you will be provided with information on useful reflexes you can work at home.
20 mins - £25
Particularly helpful for people struggling with stress and anxiety, the NEPIP Sequence is an advanced reflexology technique, exclusive to Level 5 Practitioners. It takes into account psychological studies of behaviour and health and the interconnectedness of the brain, nervous, endocrine and immune systems. The treatment involves working specific reflex points as with a standard reflexology treatment, however we will also incorporate working with inner intention and energy. The result is a profound feeling of relaxation and reduced stress levels, supporting overall health and vitality.
45 mins - £45
During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes, and reflexology can help reduce stress levels, blood pressure, water retention and improve overall well-being for expectant mothers. It can also enhance circulation and optimise the body's natural energy flow, which is crucial for both the mother's and the baby's health. There have been several studies which suggest that women who have had regular reflexology treatments prior to giving birth required less intervention during labour. We can also arrange a session to teach your birth partner some helpful reflexes to work during labour should this be of interest.
Whilst I am more than happy to undertake a single reflexology treatment focussed on specific issues or discomfort experienced during pregnancy, a course of regular maternity treatments is recommended in order to gain the most benefit - please contact me for an initial discussion.
45 mins per session - £45
Postpartum, reflexology continues to offer numerous benefits. New mothers often experience fatigue, stress, and hormonal imbalances after childbirth. Reflexology sessions can aid in rebalancing hormones, reducing stress levels, and promoting better sleep and relaxation. You may be desperate for some alone time in which to totally switch off, however if you don’t want to leave your baby yet or simply don’t have the option of childcare, please do not let this put you off booking a treatment. I have treated new mothers whilst nursing or holding a baby. This still has huge benefits, and we can work around whatever feels most suitable for you.
45 mins - £45 (first session will include a consultation and will take 60 mins)
Reflexology promotes relaxation and brings balance back to the body, so it can also be extremely beneficial in helping to improve reproductive health. As with maternity treatments, I am happy to provide a single treatment with a focus on the reproductive system, however a course is normally recommended for the best results. There are many factors that can impact fertility and as part of a course, we will come up with a tailored holistic plan to help increase your chances of conception. We will work with visualisation, the power of intention and spend time discussing and implementing health and lifestyle changes, hence each session is slightly longer than a regular treatment.
Reflexology can also be a great support for those undergoing assisted reproductive treatments and can be tailored to work alongside your treatment cycle.
Please contact me for an initial discussion regarding your circumstances and how I can help.
60 mins - £60